on top of white mountain. the airport is above the community on top of the next hill.
the delightful finds when exploring the community.
gotta love small town post offices.
quite the nice clinic.
i knew i was in for a good time when i got off the plane and some one passed me the keys to a sno-go (snowmobile). i then proceeded to follow a couple of other people on sno-gos and toured the town. pretty darn sweet.
the rest of the week was spent working 9-5 in the clinic. the doc and i both stayed busy each day - but it seemed like the hardest workers were the health aides. the three women who worked at the clinic were 3rd generation health aides and needless to say, were super friendly and extremely competent.
after work, i usually went for the aforementioned run and then we also had the opportunity to go skate skiing one evening. it turns out this dinky little community has a 6 mile groomed trail just for skiing. i have to admit at this point i was thinking "how in the world can i finagle a job here..." the thought passed after i learned that there was no full-time position available. good thing.
somewhere i had a draft about my experience here that had a bit more depth, but i seem to have lost it. arrggh... well, enjoy the photos.